EVO : The Ultimate tool for the Digital age

If you love been intelligent for a pocket-sized instrumentality that provides a wealth of features, you may be fascinated in the EVO which has been created by Unit Evolu2ion supported in Toronto Canada. The EVO has been premeditated to engage the net multitool for the digital age and is infinitesimal enough to influence on your keychain yet offers a riches of vital tools to amend you through your day. Wouldn't it be great to know a device that is separate sufficiency to e'er work with you? and what if it also met your useable needs by containing a USB ride, cables,Bluetooth unlikely and yet a Bluetooth surveyor? Why a Bluetooth surveyor you ask? Acerate, so you could e'er effort it when you beggary it most! EVO takes the unhinge out of carrying duplex accessories around! EVO combines EVERY possible essential you could need in your daily digital life! Charging | Memory Expansion | Bluetooth Locator. These...